13 Aug Printer Troubleshooting

There are several conditions that may cause a printer to randomly not print or receive a print job:
Check USB power management settings
Click here for instructions.
Point of Sale Software
If a Windows test page will print and your POS software won’t, then the software is not configured properly. Contact the POS software company for assistance with setting up their software properly.
Faulty door sensor
Usually associated with / followed by a continuing printer beep error. Try pushing the door down lightly to see whether the beeping stops. IF it does, try bending the door sensor so that it engages or send in the printer for repair.
Printer Driver
Try installing the driver again. If the printer uses a USB cable, select USB during the printer driver installation in the ‘Printer Port’ drop-down box.
Example, the communications port on the printer and / or computer. Try changing the port setting for the printer in ‘Devices and Printers’.
Bad Printer cable
Try a different cable to see whether the current one is bad.
Exceeded cable length for the interface type
Some cables cannot span large distances, try a shorter cable to see whether the current cable length is too long.
Selected Print Processor type
To check and determine what your printer processor is set to, navigate to your Start Menu > Printers and Faxes / Devices and Printers > right-click on the printer > select Printer Properties > select the Advanced tab > select Printer Processor > insure that WinPrint is selected, this seems to be the processor that it uses by default, however we have found that on some systems LKTXXP is used, and it appears to be the selected print processor in these rare and unusual cases.